Diana Ionescu
E-Invoice and e-Transport are two important tools through which ANAF lays the foundations for digitization
19 June 2022

July 1, 2022 – RO e-Invoice and RO e-Transport become mandatory

From 1 July, the new measures will become mandatory. It is about RO e-invoice and goods radar, the two systems will have to be used by all Romanians.

The two instruments come with the highest fines so far and will influence several categories – suppliers, buyers, carriers, shipping companies, etc.

In the case of those who will not comply with these new provisions, they will incur fines that can reach up to 100,000 lei, as well as confiscation of the value of undeclared goods. These declarations will be valid for a predetermined period on the date on which the shipment begins.

The goods radar is an integrated electronic system RO e-Transport for monitoring the transport of goods with high fiscal risk and RO e-Invoice is the system that allows 100% monitoring, analysis and comparison of costs for public procurement, in real time.

This system applies to all economic operators who make sales or purchases of risky products and who will be transported by road.

The system will also allow the modification of the declared data until the entry into the territory of the country or until the date of commissioning of the vehicle engaged in the transport of those products. According to the new ordinance, those who will be obliged to declare in the e-Transport system the goods with fiscal risk are the following:

  • the consignee mentioned in the import customs declaration;
  • the consignor mentioned in the export customs declaration;
  • the beneficiary of intra-Community acquisitions of goods, the supplier in the case of local and intra-Community supplies of goods;
  • the depositary, in the case of goods which are the subject of intra-Community transactions in transit, both for products unloaded on the territory of the country for storage or for a new transport, and for goods loaded after storage or after a new transport in Romania.

Integrate e-Invoice into the features available to SmartCash RMS users

If you are a large taxpayer, but also a supplier of products with a high risk of evasion or a supplier for state institutions, then you will need to use both RO e-Invoice and Declaration 406 / SAF-T from 1 July 2022.

SmartCash RMS users who want to integrate the e-Invoice e-Invoice format will be able to generate this document directly from the SmartCash RMS application. The Magister team is working on updating the SmartCash management solution so that it can generate the necessary documents.

The economic agents with headquarters in Romania are obliged to issue electronic invoices and to send them through the national electronic system, RO e-Factura. This law transposes into national law Directive 2014/55 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on electronic invoicing in the field of public procurement.

The implementation and operationalization of the national system regarding the electronic invoice RO e-Invoice aims at three main directions of action:

  • providing an electronic public service necessary for the performance of public procurement contracts, sectoral procurement contracts / works and service concessions and transactions between economic operators, in fact a support tool adapted to the evolution of the pandemic context;
  • coherence in the implementation and implementation of fiscal policies and reforms through the efficient management of budgetary resources allocated to public institutions and authorities, respectively the implementation of correct and efficient mechanisms to ensure the monitoring of budget execution and amounts allocated to various investment programs;
  • increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the collection of taxes and duties, with a particular focus on improving and strengthening VAT collection, as well as preventing and combating VAT fraud, evasion and abuse, will be applicable from July 1;

ATTENTION: Magister clients who sell products registered in risk groups have a very high share. Therefore, keep in mind that from July 1, 2022, reporting through the RO e-Invoice system will be mandatory !

Official information on the ANAF website .

For information and requests regarding the e-Invoice, you can contact us using the form available below .


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