Diana Ionescu
List your store on SmartCash.Store!
21 March 2020

Magister Software offers the users of the SmartCash RMS software platform, the possibility to register the store, during the crisis generated by the Coronavirus 19 pandemic, on the SmartCash.Store platform.

How is your store listed on SmartCash.Store?

  • The service is offered free of charge to all payers of technical assistance subscriptions for the solutions provided by our company.
  • To list your store now call 031.821.01.50 or contact on mobile, the commercial consultant Magister that is assigned to you.
  • Your telephone request is sufficient and we will take all the necessary steps to activate one page of orders for each convenience store you own.

To list the store you need the following:

  • One photo with a minimum resolution of 1280 × 1024, taken from the street, with the entrance to each store you want listed.
  • The exact address of each store listed
  • The phone number and email address of each store. Online orders will be received at this address and nearby customers will call this phone number.
  • Store hours per day.


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