Diana Ionescu
Upgrade SmartCash in an instant!
21 February 2018

16 years after its establishment, we continue to innovate and improve the suite of SmartCash RMS software solutions to help Romanian traders keep up with legislative changes, market trends and consumer expectations. The latest version of our software platform, SmartCash RMS 2018 , prepares you for the new fiscal measures (and not only) this year.

SmartCash RMS 2018 brings important news both for merchants and for the national network of Magister Software certified partners:

Super fast update

Starting with SmartCash version 15.1.x, the upgrade kit works according to a new algorithm, which ensures a increased update speed . Thus, now it only takes a few tens of seconds update v software for a store (including backup), instead of 30-40 minutes, how long before! With the same speed is also achieved multi-instance installations, where the upgrade time was previously multiplied by the number of instances.

But to use the new algorithm it is necessary to update the installed version starting with the data server . After completing the upgrade of the data and programs on the server, the same will be done with all the other stations connected to it.

Careful! The new algorithm is only available for the latest generation of the database. Therefore, we recommend that you update the new version as soon as possible, in order to take full advantage of all the features and optimizations of SmartCash RMS!

Free remote access to all units with authorized assistance contract

With the completion of the single-sign-on system at Magister resources, SmartCash consultants they can perform remote interventions or program updates for the units under contract type Magister Authorized Technical Assistance (ATAM), through the support.magister.ro system, using their own access password, at all stations covered by the contract.

SmartCash RMS CRM alerting system for Magister certified customers and partners

Following the introduction e-mail and SMS alert system when allocating a referral ticket, the agent to whom the ticket is assigned will receive by email and mobile phone a message that summarizes the content and the stage of resolving the complaint. At the same time, the final customer who opened the notification will receive an alert by SMS and e-mail when opening and closing a notification, respectively.

Training and professional development through the Certified Magister Partner Program

This year, the program ends on April 1, one month earlier than usual. We invite you, therefore, to access our e-learning portal to complete the 12 lessons corresponding to each desired skill level.


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